Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Grampy Sucks at Foreign Policy

Where in the world did the McSame-would-be-a-good-commander-in-chief myth come from?

Any why does it persist?

All evidence suggests that Bush (oops) McCain would suck at the job of CiC.

For example (h/t Crooks and Liars):

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Note to HRC Supporters

If you count yourself among the supporters of Senator Clinton and are pissed regarding the treatment she received, at least in part due to the fact that she is a woman, AND as a result of which you are considering supporting John McCain instead of Barack Obama, here's something to consider:

He's McSame as Bush on choice and contraceptive rights, not the McSame as Obama.

Clinton = Choice
Obama = Choice
Bush = No Choice
McSame = No Choice

Or, as Planned Parenthood puts it:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

McSame? Technically, McClueless

Holy crap this was among the most uncomfortable couple of minutes that I've seen, involving McCain in some time.

If you thought the Lime-Green-Jell-o Screen-o-Death was bad, take gander.

Not only does the guy not know how he voted on the issue (far more forgiveable, IMHO) but he can't even think this one out on the fly.

More discussion here, with Rachel Maddow.

Sanford - Tacitly Acknowledging What We Already Knew

We all knew McSame was McSame, but you'd think a guy who was on the short-short list to be Grampy McSame's VP would have some talking points to run up the flagpole for the lemming-like "McCain is a Maverick" media.

Sadly, no.

Thursday, July 10, 2008