Monday, June 9, 2008

Gramps Lying or Senile?

From Atrios and the Daily Kos:

Maverick "straight talker" Grampy McSame lied to Newsweek -- or is it another "Senior Moment."
In an interview with Newsweek, John McCain tries to back away from his recent criticism of the media:
Q: Want to back up a little bit and talk about press coverage. One of the things that you mentioned in your speech in New Orleans was that you felt that the media hadn't recognized or had overlooked some of the attributes that Hillary Clinton had brought to the race. And I wondered—

MCCAIN: I did not [say that]—that was in prepared remarks, and I did not [say it]—I'm not in the business of commenting on the press and their coverage or not coverage...I can't change any of the coverage that I know of except to just campaign as hard as I can and try to seek the approval of the majority of my fellow citizens.
The problem is, he did say it (video from redlasso):
Senator Clinton has earned great respect for her tenacity and courage. The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans and she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometimes receives.
How do you get the rep as a "straight talker" when you lie so transparently to the media? I guess you develop that rep before the era of YouTube.

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