Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain: Clinton = "The Bitch"

Ah, oldies, but goodies. Laughable enough, it would be if McSame were only trying to hoodwink/court Clinton supporters based on charm (i.e., ignoring that they are "polar opposites" on policy), but it delves into preposterous to recall that McSame and his supporters refer to Hillary Clinton as "the Bitch."

Lets recap:

1. Polar Opposites on Policy.
2. Tells homophobic jokes "explaining" why Clinton's daughter is "ugly."
3. Refers to her as "the Bitch."

Sounds like a sure-fire way to garner support to me:

Oh, and McSame's response to the "how do we beat 'the Bitch'" question?

"Good question."

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