Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain Flat Out Lies

McCain says that Gov. Palin has never asked for earmarks as Alaska Governor.

Check the 1:28 mark of the clip. Facing tougher questioning from four "celebrities" challenging McCain's quip that she's vetoed pork items, they point out that's she's also secured a pretty decent amount of pork for Alaskans -- more, per capita, than any other state.

"Not as Governor she didn't" - McCain quickly shot back trying to deflect the point without opposition. One of the four audibly challenges this lie, and McCain then guffaws, continuing ". . . the fact is," as though he's using facts. Reality?

Flat. Out. Lie.

In fact, "Palin requested $197 million this year and $256 million last year. Per capita, that's $288 this year and $376 last year" - as Governor

To give you some perspective, Palin herself requested at least ten times the dollar value of earmarks as most states get total every year."

h/t TPM and Josh Marshall.

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