Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hypocritical? Clueless? Delusional? Scattershot?

Its so difficult to understand the rhyme or reason of the GOP these days, and Sarah Palin's candidacy specifically.

There is an incredible amount of irony that I don't think they have any awareness of, including, for example, mocking Obama as a cult of personality but fanatically focusing on McCain's POW past, for assailing Obama for "mere rhetoric" but then spewing "reform" "Maverick" and "taking on the system" without providing any specific examples whatsoever (aside: the "taking on the system for Palin, to her credit, has been busting corrupt republicans -- exactly what Obama and Biden have been doing).

Palin's speech was a lot of things. One that stuck out for me, though, was how it seemed to be in so many ways exactly what it also mocked. But one example is more ably set forth below in this clip:

Odd, that some small-town folks "count" and others don't.

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