Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lies, Lies, Lies

Jeebus, it must be getting easier and easier to lie for Grampy McSame.

Here's yet another -- its like a lie a day (or more).

Two years ago, I warned that the oversight of Fannie and Freddie was terrible, that we were facing a crisis because of it, or certainly serious problems," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told CBS this morning. "The influence that Fannie and Freddie had in the inside the Beltway, old boy network, which led to this kind of corruption is unacceptable and I warned about it a couple of years ago.

McCain 10 months ago when asked about the subprime mortgage crisis:
But so, in this whole new derivative stuff, and SIBs and all of this kind of new ways of packaging mortgages together and all that is something that frankly I don’t know a lot about. [...]

But I don’t know of hardly anybody, with the exception of a handful, that said ‘wait a minute, this thing is getting completely out of hand and is overheating.'

So, I’d like to tell you that I did anticipate it, but I have to give you straight talk, I did not.

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