Saturday, September 20, 2008


Seriously, John McCain seemed like (many policy positions aside) a pretty decent guy.

I wonder if he'll be able to recognize himself after he loses this election.

Palin is such an embarrassment for him. The gimmick seems not so much "backfiring" as it is slowly but very surely turning from an asset to a liability for him.

Hannity's "interview" of her, was almost insulting in that it basically assumed she was an idiot (I say "almost" because the verdict seems to be out on how much, if anything she actually knows outside of a FUNCTIONING teleprompter).

I only hope that the expectations game for her debate doesn't set the bar so low. Democrats would be wise to speak highly of her oral skills from now until October. Even verbal gaffes and lies ought to be couched in terms of how skilled she as at doing them.

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